Dienstag, 10. April 2007

Arrival Day


I had to laugh when one of the 10 Taxi drivers at the Amsterdam Central Station, who suddenly surrounded me, said that a ride to Keizersgracht 253 would cost me 20 Euros. Fortunately he laughed too. Though after some seconds where he looked at me seriously. "Are you sure? Are you sure about that price?" I asked. "No, I am joking." he said with cracked english. At the end I paid 15 Euros. I didn't want to discuss, otherwise I would have had his 15 brothers chasing me. I won't drive Taxi again here.
But that also isn't necessary! My first impression of Amsterdam is: cute, littly puppet city. I had to go to Springer & Jacoby by myself. Bob unfortunately had to savour his stay in the train he was travelling in for unexpected longer time. A fire on the rails prevented the journey flow. Rob alone in Amsterdam: Who can account for that? BOB, COME AND JOIN MEEEE!

But then I found it. The people here are really nice and I could take the first look at our appartement. WE LIVE IN THE AGENCY!!! A corridor of 5 meters seperate us from the office. Hmmmm... The area we live in is the best, as the people say. And it is true. Directly at a Gracht. Coming from Hamburg originally, I love water. Springer & Jacoby are pitching for a german client, so when Bob finally (I was so glad) arrived, we had our first job as translaters. Till 0.30 am. After that we savoured our first three beers in 20 minutes! We are germans, remember that.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hi robbob, now you find each other we wish you a happy springtime in old amsterdam with a big bag of all the things you need. But..please without pot, shit and all the herbs you can get around the corner (sagt mutti from hamburg).

till next news, i'm very neugierig...