Donnerstag, 26. April 2007
Dienstag, 24. April 2007
The R'n'B Top 10 Hitlist
1. "Sonnendeck" by Peter Licht
2. "Rabbit Pushing Mover" by Toy
3. "Work It Out" by Jurassic 5 feat. Dave Matthews Band
4. "Bahia" by 7 Samurai
5. "About Funk" by Les Rythmes Digitales
6. "Wraith Pinned To The Mist And Other Games" by Of Montreal
7. "Pop Goes My Heart" by Pop!(with Hugh Grant)
8. "Tapetenwechsel" by Hildegard Knef
9. "Kodachrome" by Simon And Garfunkel
10. "Du Bist Mein Salz In Der Suppe" by Hildegard Knef
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Rob and Bob
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Sonntag, 22. April 2007
Rob Springer & Bob Jacoby
The amazing weather is giving our minds wings. We used the weekend to chill out and put our lazy weekend-butts on our roof terrace into our fatboys... savouring the sun! The seagulls seemed like laughing at us as if they said "You lazy advertising freaks... hahahahaha...". Now we definetely made the agency to our home. It began with the R'n'B-BBQ and now the house is ours (at least at the weekend). They really seem to trust us, because we could easily order a furniture transport company and move all the good things over to Berlin and Hamburg...hehe...
On Saturday we wanted to go to a really cool old style looking pub... but it was so full that we went on, to an irish pub where we had some Guinness and then into our new favorite bar where we had two Absinthe each... Bob, what are you drawing with your ear there by the way?...
In Amsterdam is a fair right now on the Time Square... never saw the city that full... and with mostly nerds. I thought Germany is the nerd country of all, but here it's a real competition to Germany. We think it is because the city is so small and all the nerds come out to be nerds, but they don't know they are nerds, but they are. Imagine thousands of nerds smoking pott and then accumulated in the city centre... wuuuuaaaahhhh.
Our neighbourhood is nice and calm, the Rob Springer & Bob Jacoby residence is well located at the canal. The biggest sounds are boats passing by and that's not even loud (or the seagulls laughing at us..."Bob, where did we put the airgun?"... and doves fucking... gurr, gurr). Looks like we are already belonging to the S&J fixtures... today an employee came through the front door while we were having our dinner... he said "Hi the germans! I just grab my laptop!".
The new favorite song of Rob & Bob is called "Sonnendeck" by Peter Licht. Everyone should hear it, if you don't know it...hehe. And we take that opportunity to announce the first time the R'n'B Top 10 Hitlist in the next post! Stay online!
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Rob and Bob
Mittwoch, 18. April 2007
And the Oscar goes to:
The beginnings of the days are now routine. While Bob gets up at 8.20 am, takes a shower, Rob still sleeps until 8.40 am. Of course it's not real sleep, the alarm goes at 8 am. But it's a slumber mode for 40 minutes, not a hey-I'm-fit-let's-get-up-mode. And if you think now that it's quite luxury to get up at 8.40 am on a working day, then don't forget that we LIVE IN THE AGENCY. We just walk 5 meters to our desks. Sounds cool, but we don't have any excuses for coming late. "The bike was a" We have no chance...
At Springer & Jacoby, like some creatives know, it is common to keep the agency and offices as clean as possible. Just a phone and computer on the desk, no things on the walls, no picking in one's nose...hehe... But today was a day of changes. Before we had group tables, like two tables together, and a mess was everywhere... So we made a long row of tables in the middle of the room. Now it's more a feeling of a big team and that's cool. Only in the evening and night Rob & Bob fuck up the room: beer bottles on the tables, disco light, a fog machine, crazy music and we dance wildly in extasy. No, of course not... but the beer bottles are true...hehe. (We hoped the smell of beer would drive the mosquitos away. No, wrong thought.)
Our boss Niklas visited us today... That was a very cool surprise!!! He was in town for today, so he came to visit us... Was really nice to see him!
As you know from the Rob & Bob Mediashop video, R'n'B are real good actors...haha. So today we got a great assignment just as we like it: Our creative director, Murray, wanted us to act in a commercial for a credit management company. (Nothing could embarrass us after having had Stand-up Comedy lesson in 4th quarter in school.) So we said "Yes"! It is a spot where a business scenario is related to an action movie scene. So we had to play tough guys. With shouting and being angry. Hell yes, let your agressiveness out! Of course it wasn't the real spot, it was for showing the client how it could look like... We did our best...
Today striked us that Haribo "Cherries" (they are awesome) taste differently in Holland than in Germany. Probably because here the laws are not really there. I don't want to know what the green is of the cherry... ooohhh, suddenly I feel so gooooood... I believe I can fly.... And a pink elefant.... Okay, now I unpacked the whole clichés... No no, Holland is a good country and they won't do that! It's strange, sometimes it can happen that something tastes different in another country though it's the same. I think it's the cultural influence here, the new environment. So if it's already in Holland like that, how would it be in Wladiwostok or so? Rob & Bob in Wladiwostok coming soon! Stay tuned!
Das Wort zum Donnerstag (the word for thursday): Mosquitos are bad. Really really bad and no one needs them! Basta!
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Rob and Bob
Montag, 16. April 2007
Itchy cracker! Let's hate them.
Do you know what's a brain cracker? Well, if you could eat it, it would be less harmful. But this cracker doesn't belong to the category "Biscuits". It's more something not substantial...
Sometimes in life you get a task you don't really know what for. You do and do and do, and cracking it doesn't come so easy. Normally it's a sign that the campaign isn't really a campaign. The concept isn't really campaignable then. And that's sad. But you do and do and do to get the 3rd visual. Another problem is then, if the campaign is more a patch work of different ideas. And after some reviews and questions it's still not clear which way to go or what is expected. That can happen... but it's going to be better...
Mosquitos. That's a topic Rob & Bob can talk about for hours. They are there even if they aren't there, if you know what I mean. You normally don't see them, but hear. They slip through key holes, and we are sure about the following statement: They have brains, too! Such a small brain, but a sooooo good sense for hiding. It's incredible. And when they appear in a flock, they search a hiding place while the light is on, and when you switch it off, one of them, the sleep-check-mosquito, flies to you and checks if you are already asleep. That's usually the one that dies first... hehe... You thought that was the only one, but then after a while the whole gang comes out and terrorizes. In the morning you have itchy mosquito bites. Everywhere.
In resumé: Today was a day on stand-by. Tomorrow, it's green light again to be seen.
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Rob and Bob
Sonntag, 15. April 2007
"My Way" by The Westerkerk (church)
Finally we can present you the amazing sound of the church. You can even hear the doves singing if you listen carefully.
For "My Way" by Westerkerk as a ringtone for your mobile phone write a mail to or write a comment!
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Rob and Bob
Freitag, 13. April 2007
Wow, our heads are smoking from a brainstorming session from 9 am to 5 pm... We had to do print ads for a credit management company. And now we are two fat boys laying on their fatboys (for those who don't know fatboy, these are sitting sacks. WE LOVE 'EM!). I think we gained weight of 3 kilos each. Now we can't move and we don't have anything to drink instead of water. But it's 4 floors down and we can't move and we are fat! I think the fat cat would think now that we are fat and not her. I am sure she doesn't even know she is fat... she probably thinks she is normal. No, she will know that she's fat! But we won't shave our butts!!!
The BBQ was incredible! MEAT! FLEISCH! VIANDE! VLEES! And garlic! Don't come too close! You could probably smell it through the screen! We did the BBQ on the normal terrace. NEW PICS ARE TO LOOK AT IN THE PICS ALBUM! Our plan for this evening: Not moving, chilling, being fat!
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Rob and Bob
Walk of Life
Today we decided to take a walk through Amsterdam. Amsterdam is so lovely that you can do everything easily by foot. The walk turned out to be a sight-seeing marathon. We think we have been in every street that exists here in Amsterdam. At least it was our impression. Our heart was leading us, always on the search of beautiful areas and streets. We saw the flower market with some really strange but beautiful plants. It got really hot in the sun. The first time in our life we've pet a Pitbull. That was thrilling. We calculated the possibility in that the dog could kill us every moment. But no: he was shaking his tail happily. Okay, we have to admit that it was a puppy Pitbull. But that doesn't decrease our pride of being that courageous. Ha ha!
See pics of our walk in the album under "OUR PICTURES"!
P.S.: The fat cat left us! We would have loved to show you a picture of her and her butt. Damn! But we always see each other twice in life, my little kitten!
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Rob and Bob
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Mittwoch, 11. April 2007
Introducing the Rob & Bob Pizza
The BBQ-Pizza customized with the best and most healthy ingredients you can think of... Bacon, Jalapenos and Chili
Take a huge bite and savour...
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Rob and Bob
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About sponger, weird things and fat cats
Today we had our first real meeting. People in the agency are very nervous and busy right now since they want to win the pitch for the german client. The meeting went fine.
Yesterday evening we went out for lunch without any city map. We didn't get lost, but we simply didn't know where we are. At the end we were nearby the red light district where a black dude came to us asking if we want to buy some herbs. For tea of course. Like they do every 10 meters. Or you simply hear a whisper passing by your ear: "cocaine"... The dude didn't want to leave us alone. We said we search for a place where we can eat cheap... he pointed at the red light street "There! There are girls, bars and restaurants!" "No, thanks!" we answered. The dude followed us, but we escaped.
Today we were extremely surprised when Bob entered his bedroom and a man was laying in his bed. 2 days in Amsterdam and we have already stalkers. The sponger jumped off the bed and asked cheekily "Do you have to be here right now?" We didn't believe what we just heard. A stranger in our appartment asking us if we have to be here right now?! "Oh, I didn't know that you live here!" he said. No, you are right dude, that's hard to recognize with all our stuff and clothes laying in the room! And the top of the eisberg came right after: a guy took a shit in our toilet!
At the end we found out that those two were employees from another company who is on the same floor in the Springer & Jacoby house. They apologized and assured this won't happen again.
There are a lot of cats in Amsterdam. The coolest one is so fat, that we think that she can't get out of the garden anymore because the walls are too high. She must be fallen into it one day. That's her destiny. She is always there. And she has a shaved butt. Looks strange!
We declared our roof terrace to our official office. It's the best one on earth. We just need a power supply. But we can manage that...
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Rob and Bob
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Rob and Bob
Dienstag, 10. April 2007
Hello the germans!
On our roof terrace we recognized to our pleasure, that one of the nearby churches is playing the song "My Way" in a bell version. It sounds like a little church revolution from a beautiful church who is ringing the bell his way. In a chorus Bob and me sing at the end: I did it myyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyy! And that happens every hour.
Today it was hard to find something to eat. In the morning we couldn't escape the agency, so we had a panini sandwich at 11 am. Yummy! And when our stomachs told us "Go the fuck out and feed me with things that are nice and warm!", we went through our area searching for a place to eat. That's really difficult here. That could be an exam assignment in college, and I am sure not everybody could solve the task. At the end we found a 70's style bar and had a nice chicken noodle soup with REAL vegetables! Delicious!
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Rob and Bob
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Arrival Day
I had to laugh when one of the 10 Taxi drivers at the Amsterdam Central Station, who suddenly surrounded me, said that a ride to Keizersgracht 253 would cost me 20 Euros. Fortunately he laughed too. Though after some seconds where he looked at me seriously. "Are you sure? Are you sure about that price?" I asked. "No, I am joking." he said with cracked english. At the end I paid 15 Euros. I didn't want to discuss, otherwise I would have had his 15 brothers chasing me. I won't drive Taxi again here.
But that also isn't necessary! My first impression of Amsterdam is: cute, littly puppet city. I had to go to Springer & Jacoby by myself. Bob unfortunately had to savour his stay in the train he was travelling in for unexpected longer time. A fire on the rails prevented the journey flow. Rob alone in Amsterdam: Who can account for that? BOB, COME AND JOIN MEEEE!
But then I found it. The people here are really nice and I could take the first look at our appartement. WE LIVE IN THE AGENCY!!! A corridor of 5 meters seperate us from the office. Hmmmm... The area we live in is the best, as the people say. And it is true. Directly at a Gracht. Coming from Hamburg originally, I love water. Springer & Jacoby are pitching for a german client, so when Bob finally (I was so glad) arrived, we had our first job as translaters. Till 0.30 am. After that we savoured our first three beers in 20 minutes! We are germans, remember that.
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Rob and Bob
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Go West - It is peaceful there!
AMSTERDAM - Monday, Easter-Monday, HOLIDAY, 09.04.2007, 10am.
Seperately, Rob & Bob begin their adventure. Bob starts his journey from Berlin, having hugged Knut for the last time, and Rob from Hamburg. By train they travel towards the Netherlands, with Amsterdam as destination. There they will stay for 2,5 months, doing an internship at Springer & Jacoby. First impression of the country: Dutch is funny!
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Rob and Bob